Please use this form to submit Member Discounts.  The content you post here will only be visible to members.  Please include all details that the BLU member needs to know in order to take advantage of the promotion.

  1. The title of the Post should be a one sentence summary of the offer (example: 15% off all purchases at [Business Name]
  2. Select the Member Discounts category
  3. Use the body to describe the full terms of the offer including and redemption codes or contact information necessary to redeem.  It’s a good idea to include an image here.  Feel free to include links to your website for additional information.
  4. Add a Featured Image – this is the thumbnail image that will appear with the post on the grid that displays all of the posts.  300×300 is a  recommended size.  The image needs to be less than 150kb.
  5. The Excerpt is not required.  It is a short description of your offer.  However the system will use the first 100 or so characters of your post as an Excerpt if you do not provide one.
  6. Once your discount is submitted it will be reviewed by a member of the Technology team and will be activated.  This typically occurs within 48 business hours.
  7. Posts do not automatically expire.  If your offer is time dependent, please contact a member of the Technology committee to expire the post if you wish for it to come down.

[wpuf_form id=”975″]